понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.
alondra park hawaiian festival
Oui ca fait un bail que je ne suis pas venue poster sur mon LJ
Que dire...
Tout dapos;abord que tous mes costumes sont enfin vendus; que japos;ai encore des perruques � vendre et un tas de goodies.
Sinon aujourdapos;hui japos;ai appris que mon d�m�nagement napos;est plus en novembre mais en d�cembre... Ca mapos;arrange pas du tout car je napos;ai toujours pas de date pour �a et que avec mon bol habituel ca va forc�ment tomber au moment de Corbeil Essonnes... Ca craint. Mais malheureusement je napos;ai pas le choix. Les d�m�nagements qui se font dans lapos;int�r�t du service sont g�r�s par les affaires immobili�res et ce sont eux qui ont toute latitude de d�cision.
Japos;esp�re conna�tre la date rapidement quand m�me.
Dapos;un c�t� ca veut dire que je vais faire mes cartons plus tard que pr�vu, ce qui mapos;arrange vu que japos;ai encore du tri � faire.
Sinon je me suis s�par�e de mes pullips Rei et Asuka, japos;aimerai bien que ma Shinku parte aussi.
Au boulot lapos;ambiance est de pire en pire; mais bon on fait avec, pas le choix. On a des nouveaux bureaux En fait la grande pi�ce a �t� s�par� en 2, et lapos;accueil refait Au moins maintenant apos;jai un vrai bureau Japos;en profite avant de changer de brigade en d�cembre et de rejoindre mes nouveaux murs.
Le temps passe vite, plein de choses � faire et pas de temps pour tout faire. Il fait beau, ca change de cet �t� ca �vite une arri�re saison morrose comme lapos;an dernier avec un taux de suicide hallucinant.
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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.
corrugated steel half pipes
Friday: went to stetson it was so kool i lovd working with kreines and the concert was AMAZING
Saturday: i woke up late, i went shopping wit sarah and aja and�aja got�a new dress for homecoming its pretty and then we went to the movies to see nights in rodanthe. But then i had to leave early cuz mike picked me up. I figured out wat happened at the end of movie wen i was walking out...
then i went to mikes house and ate mexican with his brother and his mom. Then we watched a very good movie, the departed. (aka i didnt watch any of it... Lets just say i was distracted)
Sunday: woke up late again.. And now im gonna do sum hw. And clean unfortunately.
Iapos;M SO EXCITED FOR HOMECOMING its gonna b awesum
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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.
brother mario nes super
I made it to this weekendapos;s Wildflower Centerapos;s fall plant sale and bought eight plants. I love that sale because they have only native plants and mostly only drought-tolerant plants (some native plants grow near creeks). Also, itapos;s fall, the perfect time to plant things in my part of the world because plants have the whole mild winter to get established and prepare themselves for our harsh summer.
First I got a walnut. Not the usual black walnut that grows 60-80 feet tall, but some other kind with small walnuts that grows only 16-18 feet tall. This is because it sounded a lot easier to grow. Like this one is really going to grow. (The last one I got, planted in a hurry right before we left for our cruise, did not make it.) I would love to be able to harvest walnuts one day. Growing a walnut tree could also be considered a long-term investment in a very nice wood.
I paid for it and carried it to my car. Carrying a five-gallon plant half a mile is decent exercise, which is why I did it.
Then I went back and bought seven smaller plants and carried them back.
Then my seatbelt alarm went off even after I moved the plants around and buckled all the seatbelts in the car, so I had to listen to it all the way home. Next time I got in my car, the alarm was no longer going off. Magic
Buying eight plants was risky, though. Iapos;m a terrible gardener and canapos;t be trusted with plants. You can tell what a lousy gardener I am when you see what my goals are for new plants:
1) Plant them as soon as possible after buying them. This is half the battle, by which I mean that if I do this, the plant has at least a 50 survival rate.
2) Keep them watered until they are established.
3) Do not accidentally mow them.
I have almost completed step one. The walnut is in the front yard near the street.
One blackfoot daisy is in my moonlight garden (all pale plants near the back door) and the other is between my two red yuccas. I have had really good luck with this plant before even though it likes rocky soil and I have clay soil. It loves the sun and the heat.
The pale yucca, a small grey-green twisted yucca, is in front of the orange-brick planter. The silver pony foot, a light grey ground cover plant, is in front of the living room window, on the other side from the rosemary. Both of these love the sun, and I should mention that I didnapos;t buy a single plant that isnapos;t drought tolerant (at least not to my knowledge). Also, they all are perennials, though the blackfoot daisy is short-lived.
The dwarf Barbados cherry, an evergreen shrub with an edible but supposedly not yummy fruit with possibly lots of Vitamin C (the regular Barbados cherry has lots of vitamin C) and which I heard is good for bonsai, has been added to my row of plants in the front yard and is the mostly likely to be mowed. It grows into interesting shapes and makes lovely small pink crinkly flowers.
I planted the red turkapos;s cap, a good shade flower, under my pine tree.
And that leaves the flame acanthus, a deciduous shrub full of orange flowers loved by butterflies and hummingbirds, which I cheated with and planted in a bigger pot for now.
While I was pulling weeds, something stuck me in the thumb. So todayapos;s score is Debbie: 7.5 and yard: 1.
Overall, my yard looks pretty much exactly the same as when I started. (And much worse than it sounds in this entry.) And I am totally used up.
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american cinematheque los angeles
Iapos;m a bit non-descript today:� Kind of floating between actual moods.� Less angry anyway.
Iapos;m spending the day watching old Doctor Who DVDs at the moment, which is a sure fire way to keep my mood erring on the side of the positive.� Just watched apos;Mark of the Raniapos; (a Colin Baker story) and loved it.� Iapos;ve watched a lot of old Doctor Who recently - I brought the apos;Trial of�a Time Lordapos; box set a few weeks back and I loved it.� Colin Baker is a brilliant doctor - I donapos;t understand why people didnapos;t like him� Yes, he plays the doctor as being very arrogant and egotistical, but I quite like it because he quite often gets pull up short quite a bit and ends up being really rather sweet.� I really enjoy the documentaries that they have as special features on the DVDs - the actors all blatantly LOVE talking about it - particularly Colin Baker Iapos;ve noticed.� Heapos;s actually quite funny, and tells loads of excellent stories.� Would love to meet him.� The Raniapos;s Tardis is awesome too.�
I know that Iapos;m a geek, and Iapos;ve spent a lot of time this week having eyes rolled at me and being scoffed at for being a geek, but I donapos;t care.� Iapos;d much rather be a geek than anything else.� Yes, I love Doctor Who and yes, Iapos;m a little bit obsessed with it, but if you found something that excited you and made you happy, wouldnapos;t you stick with it?�
Besides, just because Iapos;m a geek, doesnapos;t meant that I canapos;t be other things as well
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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.
check mail from anywhere
Help me
I pretty much had my Halloween outfit figured out (A tiger Orange and black tights, orange tutu...) But this is freakin Colorado. It will probably snow on Halloween or at least be incredibly cold. Tutu and tights isnapos;t gonna cut it. So anyone have any WARM ideas or ideas to make my tiger costume work. My brain just keeps going to tutus (I REALLY like them) but Iapos;ll die if I wear that.
Or MAYBE this will be my last Halloween...
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In 1947 Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier for the first time flying his juiced up bottle rocket. Since then travel has changed both across the world and across the galaxy
Next stop..."beam me up Scotty",� the ability to take molecules and transport them thru the air like packets of digital info thru the internet. I hope it happens in my lifetime. If so I will be on the list to go first
TA Schmidt
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So, this would have been jimmyapos;s 62nd birthday.� iapos;ll call mom sometime before sleep and see that she is okay.� iapos;m sure sheapos;s gone over to the cemetery as thatapos;s her habit on personal days like this one.� it feels like heapos;s been gone for so long.� in some ways, i wish hopper did get to know him better.� i know he thought the world of her, and she liked him, too.� life is very different without him there at the house and sort of being central to everything the rest of us say, think and do. His absence has definitely affected the communications with each other, and itapos;s ironic how much glue he really was to our coming together as a family.� i donapos;t know whether i miss what we had or not.� i know i miss some of our old ways as a group, but iapos;m also doing so well now that i donapos;t think it would be a good place for me at this point in my life.� thinking of him brings up a number of memories. All of them are laced with optimism thankfully.� all but the last, which still has its affect on me up to this very minute. But, a happy birthday to jimmy even though heapos;s not sitting in his chair, eating ice cream and making remarks and conversation.� i tend to picture that nightly ritual whenever he comes to mind.� and just the other day i caught myself saying "from your lips to godapos;s ears" as he tended to do.� iapos;ve got other jimmy-isms in my language set.� itapos;s something that would have irked me years ago, but amuses me now.
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Okay uh-
Thereapos;s this problem right? Okay no. Thatapos;s not it.
What it is, is that thereapos;s this person who loves somebody but then this other person shows up and ...
What do you do when you love somebody but you donapos;t want to hurt them, and theyapos;ve been gone for so long that youapos;re starting to like someone else?
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